What the heck is dorsiflexion?

Mobility is one of our 3 pillars of training (the others being Strength and Stability). When we think about being mobile some words that come to mind are extension, rotation, and flexion. These movements occur at our joints. One of the most mobile joints in the body should be your ankle because it can do all three of these movements.

We often think of extension when walking and making ground contact. Many of us have performed ankle circles, i.e., rotation. But what is flexion? More specifically, dorsiflexion of the ankle? And why is it important?

Dorsiflexion is the motion that occurs at the ankle at the top part of the foot as it moves toward the tibia (shin) bone (pulling the foot and toes up). Dorsiflexion allows the foot/ body to decelerate, sidestep, cut, jump, and land. You might think: “I don’t need that. I’m not an athlete.” But oh, you do. These movements are needed for everyday life. And the more efficient, stable, and mobile you are at these movements, the less risk of injury. You may not be an “athlete, but life is better when you’re not watching from the sidelines.

Poor dorsiflexion can be caused by everyday wear and tear and with the constant support of footwear, locking the movement of your ankles. This can cause tight calf musculature and poor ankle mobility. This can lead the body to compensate and increase injuries to your back, hips, knees, and cause you to be less flexible and mobile. Specifically related to the knees, poor dorsiflexion is one of the main culprits of a poor squat, one of your 6 foundational movements. A lack of mobility at the ankle will usually cause foot pronation then knee valgus, which will then intern lead to a “collapse” in your posture while squatting.

So don’t lose sight of your ankles. As I always stress, stability starts from the ground up. Practice full range of motion in all your joints, and particularly dorsiflexion of your ankles. Here are my TOP 3 Dorsiflexion Exercises

1. Half Kneeling Dorsiflexion

2. Seated Kettlebell 1-Leg Dorsiflexion

3. Standing Banded Dorsiflexion

Give ‘em a try. Your body will thank you for it.

As always, 


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J. Antonio Muyco III

BS in Nutrition & Fitness, NSCA, PPSC, CSCS


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