Avoid Holiday Weight Gain…Here’s How!

Thanksgiving (maybe even Halloween) through the New Year is, no doubt, the most difficult time of year to pursue our health and fitness goals. Difficult, but not impossible. 

Typical average weight gain for this time period is one to two pounds. This doesn't sound like a lot. However, the problem lies in the fact that this weight gain is then never lost. And year in and year out can lead to consistent weight gain. 

This year let's put an end to the trend through an appropriate mindset and some simple actions. Reaching your goals during the holidays (or at least maintaining) can happen, but simplicity is the key. 

So how do we do it?

1. Don't allow an "all-or-nothing" mindset to prevail. 

-"It's the holidays, so game on. New Year's resolutions are right around the corner." Or, "I need to avoid everything and not have any fun because I'm trying to lose weight." There can be a happy median.

2. Enjoy any food and drink you desire, but limit portions. 

-Many of us think that having a drink or eating that dessert automatically makes us gain weight. In reality, it's simply a math equation. No matter the food or drink choices, if you're consuming more than your body needs, you'll gain. If you're consuming less than needed, you should lose. 

-Give yourself a weekly alcohol budget and don't go over it. I.e. 6 drinks per week with the ability to consume them whenever you'd like.

3. Have protein with every meal (ideally .6-.8g/pound of body weight or target body weight).

-Consuming enough daily protein will help recovery, muscle maintenance, and it provides satiety. The fuller you feel, the less you will indulge, hopefully.

-When partaking in the many holiday parties that tend to pop up, begin by eating protein and veggies to squash your appetite and provide your body with nutrient dense foods prior to having the goodies.

4. Move every day! Whether it's walking, strength training (at least 2x/week), yoga, pilates, bike, swim, or any other activity you can think of, it's important not only for your physical health and weight control, but for your mental health as well. As much holiday cheer as there is, this time can be stressful.

5. Be consistent with water intake.

-We get busy spreading holiday cheer and water consumption can falter. Staying properly hydrated helps every process of the body from digestion to assisting the immune system. We don't want to get sick during the "happiest time of the year", do we?

6. Sleep!!!

-Seven to eight hours per night. We all know how a few bad nights of sleep makes us feel. If you want to be on point this season with managing stress, recovery, and even weight loss, enough sleep is a must.

7. Have fun. Enjoy your family and friends, and all the wonderful experiences of the holidays.

Follow these simple steps consistently and charge into 2024 with some momentum.

Happy Holidays!

As always, 


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