Grow up! Stop Eating Cereal for Breakfast.

You're not seven years old anymore. It's time to ditch the cereal, aka dessert, for breakfast. 

No doubt, we all love the simplicity of pouring a bowl of cereal, right? But here's the scoop - it's not how we, as adults (or kids), should start the day, especially if you're looking to shed some pounds.

Why Protein Rocks in the AM: The standard American diet typically begins the day low in protein...a bagel or toast, OJ, maybe some fruit. Where's the most important part? Starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast keeps you full, cuts down on the snack attacks, and helps to fuel your muscles. 

Sure, cereal is easy, but it's usually packed with sugar that can send your blood glucose on a rollercoaster leading to a desire to eat even more. So unsatisfying!

Better Breakfast Choices: Here are a few of my top picks for a protein-packed start, reaching for a minimum of 20-25g of protein to start your day.

1. Eggs: Boiled, scrambled, poached, omelet - eggs are versatile and pack about 6g of protein each, as well as a plethora of vitamins and minerals.

2. Yogurt: Look for a brand that contains 14-18g of protein per serving. I prefer Siggi's.

3. Grass-fed Steak: Yep, steak for breakfast. It's a protein powerhouse (approximately 7g per ounce) and not as crazy as it sounds. 

4. Cottage Cheese: Creamy, delicious, and pairs well with just about anything.

5. Whey Protein Powder: Easy option to add to a smoothie or overnight oats.

Time to grow up!

Switching up your breakfast game doesn't have to be a chore. It's about making choices that fuel your body and support your goals. So, let's say goodbye to the cereal box and hello to a morning routine that packs a protein punch. Trust me, your body, skeletal muscle mass, and your weight loss journey will appreciate it.

As always, 


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